Aalto in Turku

Book your own private walking tour to see and hear about the three buildings Aaltos designed in Turku center – Southwestern Finland Agricultural Cooperative Building, Tapani building apartment house and Turun Sanomat newspaper building. You will also see some buildings by Turku born Erik Bryggman who closely worked with Alvar Aalto during the breakthrough of modernism.

Our guide will take you on a walk in Turku centre. The afore mentioned buildings are situated close to each other, and on the way you see many more buildings.

Listen to stories about Aaltos time in Turku, in 1902’s and 1930’s. Discover how their designs changed from classical style to modernism while they were working on buildings in Turku. And hear about the co-operation between Aalto and Bryggman.

This tour is by design a sustainable tour on foot. It can be modified to your requirements, also made accessible to all kinds of audiences, and combined with other interesting architectural sites in Turku and Turku region. We also offer virtual tours.

We are happy to help!

Contact us for more information.

Turun Sanomat building
Turun Sanomat Building