Alvar Aalto Route – 20th Century Architecture and Design

This new Cultural route is presented on the video below. Take a look!”

Alvar Aalto Route by Virpi Suutari / Euphoria Film from Alvar Aalto Route on Vimeo.

Which of these Aalto designs have you already visited, and which of them are on your bucket list?

The Alvar Aalto Route – 20th Century Architecture and Design is one of the 45 Cultural routes in Europe. Alvar Aalto Route offers sites and sensations amidst the architectural landmarks of the renowned Finnish architect Alvar Aalto. The international influence of Alvar Aalto’s works in his own time and post-mortem is outstanding. The network currently involves members in 5 countries: Denmark, Finland, France, Germany and Estonia.

Magni Mundi is part of the organisation developing the Route and functions along it.

See examples of our Aalto travel packages, and ask for a quote for your own tour on the route.